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品牌资讯 | 无惧行业寒冬,爱力蒙特逆势突围!

2022-09-07 15:47:14  |  来源:腾讯家居•贝壳  |  作者:





  2022 is an extraordinary year for construction and ceramic industry. Practitioners across ceramic industry are all suffering from the most severe test.


  However for Element, such severity is turning into a driving power to grow brand.


  Since its inception, Element have been keeping a close watch on the global ceramic market. Faced with the stagnancy of domestic market, Element looks to the new opportunity as it stablizes its fundamentals at a prudent and optimistic scale.


  今年以来,爱力蒙特动作频频,不仅与腾讯家居|贝壳达成战略合作,引进其在新时代传播的先进经营理念与技术,助力品牌全面发声;而且在中国陶瓷总部的首座顶级家居体验馆TREND HUB也正式亮相登场,向社会各界、业内同行传递出品牌拒绝“冬眠”,拒绝“躺平”的最强音,展现出品牌拥有能跨越“不确定时代”,逆流而上的强劲生命力。

  Starting from January this year, Element has launched many programs, including its strategic partnership with Jia360.com to introduce the advanced business vision and technology that empower the full-scale brand expansion. The debut of Trend Hub-Element’s first luxury lifestyle gallery-in CCIH also signals the loudest voice of rejecting lying-down and doldrums in brand growth to all sectors in our society—a representation of brand vivacity able to move forward against the uncertainty and downturn.




  Element also partnered with Jia360.com and Hafary Sgp to launch a new brand IP—China Singapore Deign Communicate that gains interests and supports from 300+ influential and prestigious architects across China.



  以“中新设计交流”为突破口,以TREND HUB为锚点,爱力蒙特打造全新的品牌名片,并焕新全国展厅形象与体验设计,同时,通过“终端赋能内容工厂的持续性内容生产+终端赋能团队的针对性内容输出”的组合拳打造,让终端赋能系统化,赋能行动常态化,切实解决终端服务团队的实际需求。

  CSDC and Trend Hub provide an anchor and entry point for Element to celebrate the new expression of showroom and experience design using the latest brand image. The dual-engine of continuous content production of terminal-enabled content factory and targeted content delivery of terminal-enabled teams effectively addresses the needs of terminal service team using systemized terminal empowerment and routine empowerment actions.



  Element is set to fully launch a routine online empowerment project for sales terminal teams in the furtherance of improving their competitiveness, sales techniques, and service quality. Online sharing of brand campaign resources including the latest news, short video, product installation, space design, etc., will also be provided with support and guidance for content operation on WeChat, Weibo, TikTok and Xiaohongshu. A wide range of training courses targeted to terminals system’s actual needs are developed to facilitate the terminal’s delivery of projects and improve consumer experience using multiple empowerment measures.

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